Addiction is really affecting corporations all around the country, because the bottom line is there’s always a reason to either celebrate or numb yourself out from all the crazy pressures and the intense days that you have in the business world. It always comes down to alcohol, substances, where there’s just no other stress reliever within these organizations outside of putting this stuff into your system, which is a crazy problem today.
A solution to solving the addiction problem in corporations around America is simple. We just don’t think about it like this, but if you deal with maybe yoga, meditation, working out, a healthier diet, psychotherapy, whatever it might be, but you don’t need to put chemicals and substances and alcohol in your system. That’s the best possible solution, so your corporation is functioning at the highest level.
Now this might not be the solution for your corporation and your employees, but regardless you have to find something positive to fill in for these issues with substances, alcohol, and drugs, and other chemicals that they’re putting into their bodies. So stay plugged into these video messages for me and go to