The one thing I was very concerned with when I came clean about the 24-year opiate addiction that I had was how would it affect the relationship with the celebrities I represent, as well as the corporations that I’ve worked with.
Solution-wise, to just be absolutely obsessed with business, whatever it takes to get that deal. But then not to get complacent. Once we got that deal, once that deal was completed, that speaking engagement, that photoshoot, that commercial, what’s next? How do we go out there now and find the next opportunity? And even the word “no” really means finding another way to get a “yes”.
I worked harder. I worked longer. I ground it out more than any other agent in the game. And I did this specifically so the celebrities and the corporations I work with never, ever question my sobriety or recovery. They knew my head was always in the right place.
Now, I realize my solution isn’t for everybody, but it worked for me. I’m just giving you a guideline of what it takes to get sober, stay sober, and still be a force in whatever industry you’re in.